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Handpicked support that helps you study, work or play.

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We support younger people, from the age of 18 years and over, to live safely and comfortably in the home they know and love. If you’re looking for support that is built around your lifestyle and routines, we can find a care worker or personal assistant that suits you.

Image by Devin Avery

Whether you’re looking for extra support at work, at university or regular assistance to help you stay in your own home, we’ll match you with a personal assistant or support worker who will help you to continue living at home.


The way we train our support workers is industry renowned. The way we see it, the standard of care is only ever as good as the last carer we’ve trained, so we exceed the statutory requirements for carer training. Because we directly employ all of our carers, they have our many years of home care expertise to hand and support every step of the way.

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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Semi-independent Living

Wherever people may have come from and whatever their history, we work with each person as an individual, supporting them to address their needs, take control and make forwards with their lives.

Young People - Meeting With Computers

Supporting Housing Services

Most individuals we work with are helped within our supported housing services. This includes accommodation-based hostel and floating support services.

Image by Juan Carlos Trujillo

Supported Care

Partnership working to minimise harm, support recovery and break offending cycles.


Most of our services only accept referrals from organisations and partners we work with, usually local authorities or health and social care services. Individuals cannot usually refer themselves.

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